Monday, December 20, 2010


From We Make Money Not Art

Interview with Milk and Tales

"We came up with a broader program that we called 'Keeping In Touch' which would aim to communicate ongoing activities to the general public via an interactive system on the RFH hoardings for the entire duration of the refurbishment period. This system was made up of a tactile surface, sensors and a sound system which would enable a series of hoarding to go up every 2-3 months. This would keep a momentum with the audience until the re-opening of the hall, and maximize the use of the interactive system."

From this article review, it has prove that, sound can remind or make people keep remember on certain thing or cases. Just like an advertisement who repeated every hours, there always a theme song or background music come across with it, human who watching it every hours will get faster to remember it in mind rather that told by someone around them. As Calligraphy is a very big topic, I have try to use sound to combine with it to let people can more easy remember the text and stroke of the chinese text.

From Rhizome

An Age-Old Binary

"The relationship between sound and image has been a ripe area of artistic practice for at least a century. The philosophical difference between the two 'objects' has often been debated, as have our processes for transmitting and perceiving them."

Image and sound always have a big relationship. Although we can't see the image but yet the sound of it will keep track with us. If there no sound of the images, then the images will tell you the story.

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